stiftungkanthabophTwo heart centres – one teamSharing and passing on medical knowledge. This is the credo to which the Kantha Bopha hospitals have been committed since they first...
stiftungkanthabophAwakened from a comaThe boy has a headache and a fever - nothing serious, his parents think, perhaps a sign of the flu. But when Dy Lekha's condition rapidly...
stiftungkanthabophThe Cover BabyMore than 20 years ago, Cambodia was in the midst of an AIDS crisis. In his 2004 book 'Hope for the Children of Kantha Bopha', Beat...
stiftungkanthabophWelcome to Kantha Bopha!Rachel and Jan will be working there from October. Let them introduce themselves. Rachel Puthukara, 25, from Adliswil ZH I have always...
stiftungkanthaboph25,000 kilometres, 114 days, 22 countries – a journey for the children of CambodiaPure adventure! Oum Bunreth is travelling from Germany to Cambodia - on his motorbike. He makes frequent stops along the way and collects...
stiftungkanthabophMatter of the heartToday, 16-year-old Non Sokta is coming to our paediatric hospital in Siem Reap for a check-up. Twelve years ago, our team of doctors...
stiftungkanthabophMental health pilot projectSometimes there are children who suffer terribly. They complain of chest pains, stomach aches, headaches, or they suffer from tiredness...
stiftungkanthabophFor a healed scalpIt all started quite harmlessly, with some dandruff in the hair and an itch. Nothing to worry about, thought Vorn Sopheara's parents. But...