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8th International Kantha Bopha Symposium


On 3 November 1992, the Kantha Bopha Hospital, destroyed by war and rebuilt by Dr. Beat Richner, was ceremoniously inaugurated by the late King Norodom Sihanouk. Exactly on the occasion of the 30th anniversary, the 8th International Symposium on Paediatrics took place at the Kantha Bopha Conference Centre in Siem Reap, attended by a delegation of the Foundation Board and ten medical experts (professors and nursing specialists) from the University Children's Hospital Zurich and other Swiss hospitals.

At the symposium, our Cambodian doctors presented their experiences in various fields. The Swiss experts, who are regularly involved in continuing education and training at the Kantha Bopha hospitals, confirmed the high quality and extensive clinical experience of our 2,500 Cambodian employees.


Since the last symposium in February 2020, significant development steps and new techniques in the field of preventive care, surgery and care of expectant mothers and sick children have been successfully and cost-efficiently implemented. Thanks to the targeted intensive cooperation between doctors and nurses from Cambodia and Switzerland, thousands of children have been cured and the mortality of mothers and children further reduced.

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