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SDC Director visits our hospital in Siem Reap

SDC Director Patricia Danzi visited our children's hospital in Siem Reap during her official trip to the Mekong region. During her visit, Danzi said that the hospitals have significantly improved healthcare for the population and children in particular over the past 30 years and set new standards. ‘They offer high-quality healthcare services and are a model for a well-functioning healthcare infrastructure in one of Asia's poorer countries.’

The Kantha Bopha hospitals currently treat more than 85% of all sick and injured children in the country and provide work for 2,600 Cambodians. They are now run as public university hospitals and are an essential part of the Cambodian healthcare system. ‘This is a major development step,’ says Patricia Danzi.

The SDC director also met the Swiss students who are spending two months working in our hospitals during the elective study year.

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